How are you feeling today? Are you feeling lonely? With the new Stay-At-Home order that has been temporarily issued for our state one of the concerns of mental health professionals is people feeling isolated and lonely.
I can honestly say that at our house we are definitely not lonely. In fact with all four of us trying to work from home it is exactly the opposite! I know this isn’t the case for everyone, however. There are many people who both need and depend on daily interaction with others. Whether it be a widow/widower, someone dealing with depression and anxiety, or others that depend on someone else for their care. In these situations people can become very lonely. When we search the Scriptures we find David was a man that frequently dealt with the feeling of loneliness. Forsaken by his country, his family and his friends we find many heartfelt prayers he offered to the Lord in the Psalms. Psalm 142 is one of those Psalms. Here we find the following: Psalm 142:4, “I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.” David was overwhelmed with life, he felt that no one cared for him he felt all alone. Yet David knew what to do in times like these, he turned to the Lord. In Psalm 86:5, “Lord, you are kind and forgiving and have great love for those who call to you.” Actually, you should read Psalm 86 in its entirety. It is a great Psalm for when you are feeling lonely.
I would like you to consider the blog today and take it to heart. Reach out to others during this time. Give them a call, send them a text, let them know you are thinking about them. You may be feeling lonely yourself. If this is the case reaching out to others will also help you. Also, remember the Scriptures we looked at. Feeling lonely happens to the best of us. When this happens turn to the Lord in prayer for He is “… a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”
Praying for you all,
Pastor Tom
“Are you feeling lonely?”